Friday, February 20, 2009

Tip Your Tender

Ever think about what a bartending job entails? Not only do they need to know every drink, they need to know the menu. They keep your drink full, put in food if you order it, run credit cards for servers, and keep the tables' drinks full. So why don't people feel the need to tip them? I have never stiffed a bartender myself, but many many people do. Next time you think about stiffing a bartender, think about the little things they do for you while you are eating/drinking. Did they put a glass of water in front of you? How about silverware? Odds are they got your salad for you, and maybe they even brought you that side of mayo that you asked for. Not every bartending job consists only of spinning bottles and shaking martinis. Remember that bartenders, unlike servers, cannot take a break. If a server doesn't have a table, he/she can sit down for a few, roll silverware, even order some food, but not bartenders. Unless there is not a single person drinking in the restaurant or sitting at the bar, the bartender has something to do. Also remember when you are tipping that your drink bill is accumulating with every drink. If you would tip $1/drink, and you have 7 drinks, don't think that leaving a $5 bill is acceptable. It is just like a server waiting on you.

knows what's up, and THIS ONE is something I wish I'd started

Tip your tender. Most of the time there is a mandatory amount that every server must tip out, but if not, take care of your bartender. They will take better care of you.

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