Monday, April 13, 2009

The whole truth and nothing but the truth...

There are certain stand-up comedians who make phenomenal points. While this might not be the case, it still can deliver a laugh.


Now, Mr. Rock talks about women wearing make-up, heels, and Wonderbras when they meet men...luring them in. He has a point. While not every woman does this, and not every man is dumb enough to fall for tricks like this, there are exceptions. I had a conversation with a male friend of mine who said that he fell in love with a girl's representative. He met her, he dated her, and he fell madly in love with her. Six months went by, and he met the real her. Needless to say, the real her was nothing like her representative. The real her was opinionated, and had bad days from time to time. The real her made (gasp) bowel movements! Now, this male friend of mine is pretty shallow and full of himself, but I keep him around for educational purposes, and he had a point.

As women, we shouldn't dress/act/smell/talk one way if that's not who we truly are. It is incredibly hard to be yourself sometimes because you know that people may disagree with you, or even make you feel like a total outcast. That is not a reason to compromise your beliefs, though. This is not as common in college as it is in high school, but I definitely still see it at times. I have a friend who is going to school to become a doctor. This girl has more personality and wit in her pinkie finger, than most do in their entire body, but I'm the only one who knows this about her. I have seen her talk to guys, and I am almost embarrassed for her. She acts very docile and agreeable, when I know she is anything but. To be honest, this blog post was inspired by her (and Chris Rock).

Be yourselves ladies! It is hard to discover that a guy likes you for the wrong reasons. It is even harder if you can't blame the guy, though, because you introduced him to your representative instead of yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Good post! I think it can be hard for women, though, as the "socially accepted female" is quiet, agreeable, pretty, and laughs at jokes (but does not make them!). However, I found that just being happy with myself and not caring brought people into my life who are also happy with who I am. It's not easy for some girls, but the rewards of being yourself are worth it. Otherwise, being fake, girls will just attract shallow guys like your friend.
